Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finn is Two!

Okay, so he's now two and then some, but his father has been busy doubling his school's population this semester, and hasn't had much time to blog! Of course if he hadn't shown up several weeks early in the first place, I would have been on time with this entry. It seems like only yesterday that Carmilla's water was breaking in the bar in Humboldt. (Enjoy that last line while you can, because despite its truth, I'm sure I will soon be instructed to remove it promptly!)

If young Cuyler were a few years older, he would be declaring to anyone who would listen that he got ripped off for his second birthday. Given its proximity to Christmas, we are likely to hear such utterances before too long so we should enjoy the silence, as it were. I should note that on few other matters is Finn silent and he is developing a rather healthy Ghanaian accent and palate. He is also a very enthusiastic footballer and loves animals about as much as Cohen did. You will also note, upon a brief study of the pictures, that the family tradition of the "blankie" is alive and well (At least one other family member still has a blanket and it is also blue...go figure!). Actually the blankie buddies pictured are pretty good pals and though he fights it every step of the way, Finn is very much the baby of the family. Happy birthday Cuyler Griffin James Land!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Wow, has Cuyler ever changed in just five months!! What a big boy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!